Tired of only getting temporary pain relief with traditional chiropractic adjustments? Looking for a permanent fix for your chronic pain and ready to take your wellness to the next level? Then you have found the right place!

We provide an effortless solution to poor posture and chronic pain, using a unique method of chiropractic called Advanced Biostructural Correction.

This method offers a longterm solution for chronic back/neck pain and a wide range of conditions, such as scoliosis, chronic headaches, sciatica, high blood pressure and sleep problems.

Our methodology guarantees improvements to your posture and physique, breathing, mobility, and mental clarity. ABC method addresses the root cause of structural problems, by fixing what your body cannot fix on its own.

By eliminating these roadblocks to your body’s natural healing capabilites, we can help you achieve a level of wellness and youthfulness in your body that you may have thought you would never get back. Let us help you unlock your full potential. To schedule a free phone consultation or to book your first appointment, click the buttons below or call (813) 592-5774

Traditional Chiropractic vs ABC

  • Regular Chiropractic

    -Temporarily relieves pain (by relieving nerve pressure)

    -Overlooks anterior vertebrae, the true root cause of structural instability

    -Doctor adjusts them and sends them on their way, everything else is left up to “Innate”

    -Same things typically adjusted over and over again

    -Baseline of vitality remains the same under wellness care.

  • Advanced Biostructural Correction

    - Only corrects bones in a direction your body cannot self correct (vertebrae that have slipped forward) by pushing them backwards using a leverage type maneuver

    -Breaks apart internal scar tissue built up inside the spine from chronic injuries through deep, full body stretches, relieving neurological stress and restoring mobillty.

    Each treatment is different as the body continuously unwinds between each treatment and heals from stored traumas

    -baseline of vitality continues to improve over time

Biomechanics of ABC Adjustment vs Traditional chiropractic adjustment

Watch this short video to understand the root cause of spinal dysfunction and how ABC addresses it better than traditional chiropractic.

Watch the ABC Chiropractic treatment in action!

Book a free consultation

Here at Lifehack Wellness, your concerns are most important to us. We believe that by understanding your goals and getting to know what matters to you most, we can determine the best course of care possible that fits your goals. There is absolutely NO CHARGE for a consultation over the phone. If it is determined during the consultation that Advanced Biostructural Correction would be beneficial for you, you will have the option receive your first treatment on the same day

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